B-17 Flying Fortress - Foto der B-17 42-31340

Delivered Cheyenne 23/10/43; Gr Island 3/11/43; Romulus 12/11/43; Assigned 360BS/303BG [PU-D] Molesworth 27/12/43; Missing in Action Brux 12/9/44 with Arnold Moselle, Co-pilot: Ken Freeman(wia), Navigator: Bill Mundell, Bombardier: Rufe Parrilla{wia in crash landing, but died 3 days later}, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Don Conley, Radio Operator: Gerald Groth, Ball turret gunner: Frank Crawford, Waist gunner: Jerome Koshar,Tail gunner: Joe Bialobrzeski (9 Returned to Duty); enemy aircraft KO’d two engines, crash landed Hucqueliers, E of Etaples on French coast. MISS LIBERTY.