B-17 Flying Fortress - Foto der B-17 42-97087

AAF Still Photo Collection
Delivered Cheyenne 25/1/44; Gr Island 11/2/44; Presque Is 21/2/44; Assigned 379BG Kimbolton 1/3/44; transferred 748BS/457BG [M] Glatton 2/3/44; Missing in Action Munich 31/7/44 with Byron Schiffman, Co-pilot: Bill Barton, Navigator: Irving Cohen (3 Prisoner of War); Bombardier: Finn Firing, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Joe Westwood, Radio Operator: Nathan Mostow, Ball turret gunner: Wilbur Epley, Waist gunner: John Wilkerson, Waist gunner: Alf Kunz,Tail gunner: Vernon Nelson (7 Killed in Action); flak, spiralled down before exploding, crashed Perlach, SE of Munich, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 7829. TUJUNGA !