B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 42-30004

Delivered Denver 2/4/43; Smoky Hill 22/4/43; Dow Fd 24/5/43; Assigned 534BS/381BG [GD-B] Ridgewell 15/6/43 JANICE; transferred 364BS/305BG [WF-Q] Chelveston 22/8/43; Missing in Action Stuttgart 6/9/43 with Ellsworth Kenyon, Co-pilot: Tom Davis, Navigator: Martin Licursi, Bombardier: Dick Lewis, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: John Lambert, Radio Operator: Russ Ahlgren, Ball turret gunner: Art Englehardt, Waist gunner: Paul Chabula, Waist gunner: Frank Rollow, Tail gunner: Homer Bagby (10 Returned to Duty); no gas, ditched Channel, all rescued by Air Sea Rescue HSL 156. No MACR.