B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 42-31047

B-17 42-31047
Photo of B-17 #42-31047 / Little Duchess aka Wolverine



Delivered Cheyenne 11/9/43; Scott 28/9/43; Assigned 535BS/381BG Ridgewell 20/10/43; Missing in Action 19m Brunswick 30/1/44 with Bob Deering, Navigator: Dave Barer, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Wardell Horne, Radio Operator: Andy Richards, Ball turret gunner: Floyd Husvar, Waist gunner: Lloyd Jackson, Waist gunner: Wallace Scott,Tail gunner: Loren Sandford (8 Killed in Action); Co-pilot: Bob Williams, Bombardier: Paul Crabtree (2 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft, crashed on a street between Kohle & Ottbergen, six miles E of Hildesheim, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 2243. LITTLE DUCHESS aka WOLVERINE.

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