B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 42-31713

B-17 42-31713
Photo of B-17 #42-31713 / Snake Hips



Delivered Cheyenne 10/12/43; Missoula 13/12/43; Cheyenne 15/12/43; Gr Island 27/12/43; Detroit 25/1/44; Grenier 26/1/44; Assigned 327BS/92BG [UX-T] Podington 11/2/44; flak, battle damaged Merseburg 24/8/44 with John Bosko,cp-Curt Koehnert, no nav, Bombardier: Jerome Charbonneau, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Pete LaFluer, Radio Operator: Bishop Ingraham, Waist gunner: Chas Garrison, no tg (8 Returned to Duty); Ball turret gunner: Gordon Westcott (Killed in Action); flak hit in bomb bay; ship limped home force landed RAF Woodbridge, Sfk, UK; Salvaged 2 SAD Lt Staughton 25/8/44. SNAKE HIPS.

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