B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 42-3500

B-17 42-3500
Photo of B-17 #42-3500



Delivered Long Beach 16/7/43; Rome 6/8/43; Assigned 812BS/482BG [MI-J] Alconbury 9/43 (H2-X); Missing in Action Frankfurt 4/2/44 with Warren Bock{Wounded in Action}, Co-pilot: Glen Kofoed, Navigator: Dwight Lambert, Bombardier: Regis Murtha, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: John Hankins, radar op-Capt Dave Williams, Ball turret gunner: Bob Laut, Waist gunner: Guilford Colvin, Waist gunner: Lt Roger Layne,Tail gunner: Bill Cotter,Tail gunner: Bruce Fellows (11 Prisoner of War), mickey op-Lt Col David Alford{HSX Op} (EVD-liberated by US troops Sept ’44 in Ardennes); flak, Col Alford made force landed in field between Meddo & Zwolle, nt Winterswijk, Holl. Missing Air Crew Report 3159.

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