B-17F-30-VE: 42-5855 to 42-5904
- Bomb Group:
- 94th Bomb Group
- Bomb Squadron:
- 333rd Bomb Squadron
History of
B-17 42-5880
Delivered Long Beach 17/4/43; New Castle 30/4/43; Presque Is 6/5/43; Assigned: 333BS/94BG [TS- ] Earls Colne 14/5/43; Rougham 13/6/43; MIA Huls 22/6/43 Pilot: John Sabella, Co-Pilot: Delbert Long, Navigator: Joe Gaudette, Bombardier: Warren Tinker, Engineer / Top Turret Gunner: Bob Hardin, Radio Operator: Gustav Eliason, Ball Turret Gunner: Don Benner, Waist Gunner: Alf Galasso, Waist Gunner: Chas Stimpson, Tail Gunner: Leroy Blocker (10POW); direct flak hit, Enemy aircraft, crashed two miles E of Opheusden, Germany. No MACR.
Last updated: 3. September 2018
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