B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 42-31166
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Delivered Cheyenne 27/9/43; MAT COM Wright Fd 10/10/43; Langley 6/12/43; Assigned: 813BS/482BG [PC-K] fitted with Oboe Mk II radar Alconbury 22/11/43; Transferred: 545BS/384BG [JD-Z] Grafton Underwood 5/2/44; t/o as spare for a mission, but mechanical problems arrived and crash-landed near Nuthampstead A/fd 24/3/44 Pilot: Scott Briley, Co-Pilot: Jim Dent, Navigator: Leon Dubin, Bombardier: Joe Petrush, Engineer / Top Turret Gunner: Elvie Rodden, Radio Operator: Henry Watson, Ball Turret Gunner: Saul Schelberg, Waist Gunner: Albt Krizner, Waist Gunner: Howard LeConey, Tail Gunner: Edwin Fulkerson (10RTD); Salvaged. 2 SAD Lt Staughton. MISS BILLIE JR.