Boeing B-17E: 41-2393 to 41-2669
History of
B-17 41-2414
Delivered Salt Lake Strategic Arms Depot (SAD) 9-Nov-41; crashed burned out Fort Douglas 12-Nov-41. Salvaged. Never served in the UK.
Last updated: 7. June 2017
28. September 2017 access_time 20:53
1st Lt. Walter S. Johnson, “Squadron Diary” (88th Recon Sq.), AFHSO, Bolling AFB, File Sq-Bomb-435-Hi Dec/41-Nov/42, Microfilm Reel A0614, p.1.
“On November 13 [sic], while men were refuelling one of the new E’s we had just received, fire started from a source or cause not positively determined and the entire plane and equipment was lost.”
Robert E. Thacker, interview with J. Michael Wenger, 14 August 2004, p.1.
Additionally, this incident did not occur at Ft. Douglas, which was the location where the crews were quartered. Rather, the incident occurred nine miles to the west on the other side of Salt Lake City at the municipal airport, which was the operating base of the 88th Reconnaissance Squadron.
28. September 2017 access_time 21:00
Thank you for these information!