Air Force Museum of New Zealand
Boeing B-17E: 41-2393 to 41-2669
- Bomb Group:
- 19th Bomb Group
History of
B-17 41-2667 / Texas Tornado
Delivered Minneapolis 7/3/42; Assigned 435BS/19BG Hawaii 6/5/42; transferred 5AF 22/5/42, but exploded on take off at Whenuapi, Auckland, NZ en route Laverton, near Melbourne, Aus 9/5/42 with Col. Rich Cobb, Co-pilot: Jim Bruce, Lt E. Hoffman, Chas Brunson, Hary Cohn, J. Lopez, John Clanton, Jim Herriotta, Curtis Childers plus two passengers Lt B. Hust (USN), Capt Jean Githerd (French Navy) (11 Killed in Service); Written off 31/10/44.
Last updated: 27. October 2020
30. July 2023 access_time 6:48
Hi everyone I looking for some help,
I was gifted a 50 cal cartridge, brass shell with projectile seated in no primer or powder ofcourse. head stamped LC 42 so its the right year and is US made, and engraved with
” Flying fortress” in a very stylised bubble font and on the other sided engraved “Texas Tornado Crashed at Whenuapai 9-6-42” all in graving looks to be done by hand. Can anyone shed some light on what I have here? Could this artifact have been created in 1942, could it be from the plane? I would love to know if Im holding on to anything significant and of value. The person that gave it to me had it given to him and is unable to shed any light on it.
Thanks in advance.
30. July 2023 access_time 11:18
Hello Jeff,
I think the cartridge could be from that plane. Name and date matches.
LC 42 means the manufacture and year.
LC = Lake City Army Ammunition Plant – Independence, Missouri.
Source: https://www.nebraskaaircrash.com/50caliber.html