B-17F-55-BO: 42-29467 to 42-29531
History of
B-17 42-29510
Delivered Denver 28/12/42; Wendover 6/1/43; Denver 31/1/43; Casper 22/3/43; Sioux City 19/6/43; Dalhart 22/7/43; 232 BU Dalhart 9/6/44; 245 BU McCook 22/6/44; 9BG McCook 18/7/44; 3705 BU Lowry 16/10/44; Written off 28/10/44; 2530 BU Selman 14/5/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Walnut Ridge 17/9/45.
Last updated: 20. February 2019
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