B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 42-29740

Delivered Cheyenne 11/2/43; Rapid City 22/2/43; Kearney 12/3/43; Assigned 337BS/96BG [AW-G] Grafton Underwood 14/4/43; Andrews Fd 13/5/43; transferred 412BS/95BG [QW-R] force landed Alconbury after sustaining NBD with Don Eastling 19/5/43; Snetterton 12/6/43; 4m, transferred 323BS/91BG [OR-P] Bassingbourn 12/9/43; 1st with 91BG Missing in Action Anklam 9/10/43 with Morris Gutto, Navigator: Edgar Richardson, Bombardier: Alva Allen, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Bob Crain, Waist gunner: Merle Hilgert (5 Prisoner of War); Co-pilot: Chas Loeber, Radio Operator: Herschel Kelley, Ball turret gunner: John Delaney, Waist gunner: John Bird,Tail gunner: Chas Alishouse (5 Killed in Action); hit by enemy aircraft rocket attacks, crashed Dorpumfeld, near Tolk, 17 miles W of Flensburg, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 896.