B-17F-70-BO: 42-29732 to 42-29831
- Bomb Group:
- 381st Bomb Group
- 96th Bomb Group
- Bomb Squadron:
- 338th Bomb Squadron
- 533rd Bomb Squadron
MACR: 2244 / KSU/ME/KU: 773
History of
B-17 42-29761 / Martha II aka Lucky Lady aka Ruth L II
Delivered Denver 15/2/43; Walker 27/2/43; Salina 10/3/43; Presque Is 8/4/43; Assigned 338BS/96BG Grafton Underwood 17/4/43 RUTH L II (re-named LUCKY LADY); transferred 533BS/381BG [VP-W] Ridgewell 14/7/43; Missing in Action 28m Brunswick 30/1/44 with Henry Steele, Co-pilot: Jim Settle, Navigator: Bob Anderson, Bombardier: Leopold Flores, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Perry Beach,Tail gunner: Paul Welch (6 Prisoners of War); Radio Operator: Wilbert Eason, Ball turret gunner: Harry Lee, Left Waist gunner: Harry Holtz, Right Waist gunner: Pete Hlynsky (4 Killed in Action); flak & enemy aircraft, crash landed between Bakel & Deurne, Hol. MACR 2244. MARTHA II.
Last updated: 9. July 2021
B-17 42-29761 / Martha II aka Lucky Lady aka Ruth L II Details

Lt. Steele’s ship was hit by FW-190’s before target. He salvoed his bombs and bomb bay tank, late. Then he peeled off and went down into the clouds under control.
2Lt. Milton Soled
Lt. Steele’s ship was hit by FW-190’s before target. He salvoed his bomba and bomb bay tank, late, Then he peeled off and went down into the clouds under control.
2Lt. Hal E. Roling
After a few FW-190 attacka, I saw Lt. Stesle’s ship lag back for about fifteen minutes. Then he peeled off to the left and started descending rapidly. 2,000 feet below the formation he lowered his landing gear. Later he disappeared into the clouds.
1Lt. Karl Franek
Operations Officer
533 Bomb Sq. (H)
Source: MACR 2244
B-17 42-29761 / Martha II aka Lucky Lady aka Ruth L II Crew
Position | Rank | Name | Status | Note |
P | 1LT | Henry Dow Steele | POW | - |
CP | 2LT | James Russel Settle | POW | - |
NAV | 2LT | Robert Frank Anderson | POW | - |
BOMB | 2LT | Leopold Leo Flores | POW | - |
ENG/TT | S/SGT | Perry Ernest Beach | POW | - |
RO | SGT | Wilbert Everett Eason | KIA | - |
BT | SGT | Harry Fong Lee | KIA | - |
WG | SGT | Peter Hlynsky | KIA | - |
WG | SGT | Harold Arthur Holtz | KIA | - |
TG | SGT | Paul Oakly Welch | POW | - |
13. February 2022 access_time 11:59
Have this ship in my research for a very long time. 42-29761 crashed in The Netherlands between the villages Bakel and Deurne. Got in touch with the relatives of James Settle and Peter Hlynsky. Looking forward to hear from other crew familymembers to exhange further information.
18. April 2022 access_time 0:55
My grandfather Robert Anderson was the navigator of Martha II. He lived a long and happy life before passing away in 2019 – he was 96 years old. I had the opportunity to ask him about his war experience, which he was open about. My sincere condolences and respect for the four men who didn’t survive the crash.
18. April 2022 access_time 11:05
Hi Henry, Many Thanks for your apply to my article on my search for relatives of the crews families. Much appreciated if you could get in touch with me azantvoort@outlook.com and maybe exchange information??? My sincere condolances to your grandfather as he is one of my hero’s. Cheers and I looking forward to hear from you soon, Adrian
18. April 2022 access_time 11:19
Hi Henry, Many Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it when you contact me azantvoort@outlook.com to exchange information
18. April 2022 access_time 11:09
Hi Henry, I would appreciate that you contact me azantvoort@outlook.com
18. April 2022 access_time 11:56
Henry will you contact me azantvoort@outlook.com
29. January 2024 access_time 21:15
My uncle, John Helstowski was a gunner on the Lucky Lady and flew 18 missions and then flew on 6 missions on the Dear Mom and finished his last mission on the Dry Run. He returned home on December 7th 1943.Did I read properly that Luck Lady was lost the following month after his discharge?