B-17F-70-BO: 42-29732 to 42-29831
History of
B-17 42-29819
Delivered Cheyenne 23/2/43; Gore 8/3/43; Morrison 19/3/43; Assigned 305BG 16/4/43; 1 Base Air Depot, Burtonwood 3/5/43 reason unknown; AFSC 18/5/43; Written off 31/10/44.
Last updated: 16. December 2018
15. January 2024 access_time 13:33
This B-17 was assigned to the 366th Bomb Squadron and coded KY-H. It was damaged on 17th May 1943 which must be why it was sent to AFSC on 18th May 1943. This photo shows the damage but with the incorrect date in the caption on the back. https://www.fold3.com/image/29022520/fire-from-20mm-cannon-ripped-along-the-left-stabilizer-of-a-b-17f-which-participated-in-the-lorient-