B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 42-30342

B-17 42-30342
Photo of B-17 #42-30342 / T’aint A Bird II

Delivered Cheyenne 19/5/43; Gore 20/5/43; Smoky Hill 30/5/43; Wright 30/6/43; Smoky Hill 20/7/43; Kearney 22/7/43; Dow Fd 25/7/43; Assigned 334BS/95BG [BG-B] Horham 28/7/43; 54m, transferred APH with Azon for Aphrodite missions, Knettishall; Aphrodite remote controllled drone attack on Watten with Lt F Pool & S/Sgt P Enterline 4/8/44. TAINT A BIRD II.

Zurück zur B-17 42-30342 / T’aint A Bird II