B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 42-30433

94th Bomb Group Database
Delivered Cheyenne 1/6/43; Gore 2/6/43; Smoky Hill 12/6/43; Rapid City 19/6/43; Geiger 22/6/43; Smoky Hill 23/6/43; Dow Fd 5/7/43; Assigned 410BS/94BG [GL-U] Rougham 5/7/43 JIMMY BOY; Missing in Action Posnan 11/4/44 with Merrill Vaughn, Co-pilot: Bob Bogner, Navigator: Gordon Allen, Bombardier: Frank Howard (4 Prisoner of War); Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Ray Johnston, Radio Operator: Bob Roberts, Ball turret gunner: Tom Roberts, Waist gunner: Harry Manley, Waist gunner: Ralph Amedola,Tail gunner: Jess Ronaldo (6 Killed in Action); set on fire by enemy aircraft, Vaughn set course for Sweden but crashed Angeln, N of Keppeln, 16 miles SE of Flensburg, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 4437. MISS DONNA MAE.