B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 42-30617

Delivered Cheyenne 29/6/43; Gore 30/6/43; Gr Isle 16/7/43; Dalhart 20/7/43; Gr Isle 26/7/43; Presque Is 2/8/43; Assigned 327BS/92BG [UX- ] Alconbury 21/8/43; Missing in Action Watten 27/8/43 with Winston Tucker, Co-pilot: Carl Carlson, Navigator: Joe Liebman, Bombardier: Tom Thompson, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Dick Bragdon, Radio Operator: Dave Stewart, Ball turret gunner: Theo Thurston, Waist gunner: Lewis Kuhnz, Waist gunner: Cloe Crutchfield,Tail gunner: Bob Gailey (10 Returned to Duty); flak damage forced to ditch in The Channel, off Isle of Sheppey, Kent, UK, all rescued by Air Sea Rescue launch. No MACR.