B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 42-31156

Delivered Dallas 26/9/43; Gr Island 13/10/43; Assigned 708BS/447BG [CG-L] Rattlesden 19/11/43; Missing in Action Rostock 11/4/44 with Howard Pauling, Co-pilot: Lauren Davis, Bombardier: Paul Scherer, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Glen Standish, Waist gunner: Leo Kingston,Tail gunner: Elvin Albaum (6 Returned to Duty); Navigator: Ernie Morman, Radio Operator: Paul Knight, Ball turret gunner: Jim Prusa, Waist gunner: Henry McCowan (4 Prisoner of War); flak, crash landed Bornholm Is, near Ibsker, Den. Missing Air Crew Report 3824. BIG STOOP.