B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 42-3131

Delivered Cheyenne 20/2/43; 19/4/43; Assigned 427BS/303BG [GN-U] Molesworth 4/6/43; {40m} Missing in Action Oschersleben 11/1/44 with John Carothers, Co-pilot: Chas Frost, Radio Operator: George Rajcula, Ball turret gunner: Bob Peavy, Waist gunner: Wiley Rogers, Waist gunner: Francis Morneau,Tail gunner: Roland Ziegler (7 Killed in Action), Navigator: Art Linnehan, Bombardier: Howard Barriscale, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Harvey Scott (3 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft hits and exploded, crashed Kloster Oesede, four miles SE of Osnabruk, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 1966. WINNIE THE POOH then FLAK WOLF.