B-17 Flying Fortress B-17 42-31468 / Galley Uncle

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-31468 / Galley Uncle



History of
B-17 42-31468 / Galley Uncle

Delivered Cheyenne 4/11/43; Gt Falls 8/11/43; Assigned Soxo 17/11/43; Left Goose Bay, Labrador on ferry to Prestwick, but force landed near Enniskillen, N.Ireland 9/12/43, with Joe Rudolph, Bombardier: Aloysius Rodeo, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Ed Mankowski, Radio Operator: Earl Bir, pass-John Morton, Myrl Youngs, Lt Melvin Skerpon (7 Killed in Service), Co-pilot: Bob Phillips, Navigator: Earl Simpson, g-Stan Thomas, Bill Simpson (4 Returned to Duty).

Last updated: 4. February 2019


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