B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 42-31542

Delivered Cheyenne 19/11/43; Spokane 22/11/43; Gt Falls 25/11/43; Wendover 7/12/43; Assigned 748BS/457BG Glatton 27/1/44 BUNKY; transferred 92BG Podington 11/3/44; 323BS/91BG [OR-T] Bassingbourn 12/3/44; Missing in Action 45m Lechfeld 19/7/44 with Norman Burwick, Co-pilot: Frank Way, Navigator: Carl Sanders, Bombardier: Alby Steelhammer, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Dave Cotton, Radio Operator: George Beltz, Ball turret gunner: Melvin Gemmill, Waist gunner: Harry Carlson,Tail gunner: Gordon Smith (9 Killed in Action); propwash caused mid air coll with 42-107075 (91BG); tail broke off, crashed Huglfing, Oberbayen, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 7417. ``BUNKY.''