B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 42-31589

Delivered Cheyenne 25/11/43; Gt Falls 1/12/43; Kearney 17/12/43; Romulus 6/1/44; Grenier 9/1/44; Presque Is 12/1/44; Assigned 334BS/95BG [BG-O] Horham 23/1/44; 72m, Missing in Action Zeitz 16/8/44 with Lou Price, Radio Operator: Bill Dixon, Ball turret gunner: Lorie Thomas (3 Killed in Action); Co-pilot: David Davies, Navigator: Jim Smith, Bombardier: Pierce Wenthur, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Ray BridwellWounded in Action, Waist gunner: Steve MatisWounded in Action,Tail gunner: Jim Herbig (6 Prisoner of War); flak, crashed Naundorf, NW of Chemnitz, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 8177.