B-17F-65-DL: 42-3449 to 42-3482
History of
B-17 42-3470
Delivered Denver 3/7/43; Moses Lake 19/7/43; 4100 BU Patterson 23/7/43; 326 BU MacDill 26/9/43 re-designated TB-17F; on training mission 17/10/44 with Alf Voegeli, Co-pilot: Paul Ronan, was involved, while landing, in slight collision with 43-37712, damaging cockpit, top turret, etc, however both aircraft landed safely; when on flight from Orland to MacDill with Art Rimbold lost parts of u/c on take off 18/4/45, repaired then to Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Bozeman 13/10/45 at Gallatin Fd, Montana; various parts went missing and it was in a childrens’ paly park, before joining California-Atlantic Airways at St Petersburg, becoming Civil Reg 66574, 9815-F; in Aug ’54 Peru OB-RAH-346; Jan ’57 to Bolivia CP-633, then to Columbia HK-580 and C-580; June ’59 to Nicaragua AN-AMI (last listed July ’59 & US Reg cancelled 1963). No trace since.
Last updated: 4. November 2018
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