B-17G-25-DL: 42-37989 to 42-38083
- Bomb Group:
- 100th Bomb Group
- Bomb Squadron:
- 349th Bomb Squadron
History of
B-17 42-38017 / One Mission LuLu
Delivered Cheyenne 15/11/43; Syracuse 7/12/43; Presque Isle 15/12/43; Assigned 349BS/100BG [XR-O] Thorpe Abbotts 28/12/43; Missing in Action Schwelswig A/Fd 3/3/44 with John Gossage, Co-pilot: Bert McNeil, Navigator: Ed Werner, Bombardier: Howard Ball, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Art Cooper, Radio Operator: Mike Polanick, Ball turret gunner: Tom Wooderson, Waist gunner: Don Sackrider, Waist gunner: Jim Gregg,Tail gunner: Art Congrove (10 Prisoner of War); damaged by wreckage from two colliding 100BG ships above, pilot headed for Sweden but crash landed at an airfield near Schelswig, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 3025. ONE MISSION LU LU (?TEN BATTY BOYS). (Sal by Luftwaffe and restored for KG 200).
Last updated: 2. October 2017
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