B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 42-38160

Delivered Cheyenne 3/1/44; Kearney 14/1/44; Assigned 550BS/385BG [SG-J] Gt Ashfield 6/2/44 as LITTLE CHUB; Missing in Action Augsburg 16/3/44 with Bob Meyer, Co-pilot: Boyd Henshaw, tog-Sgt Carl Larsen, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: John Miller, Radio Operator: John Wells, Ball turret gunner: Chas Page, Waist gunner: Elbert Mitchell, Waist gunner: Lou Lieming,Tail gunner: Jarrell Legg (9 evaded capture); Navigator: Bob Williams (KIA-chute failure but wia severely); enemy aircraft, pilot looked for an airfield but forced to ditch in Lake Zugersee, Switz. Missing Air Crew Report 3246. LONESOME POLECAT. (Recovered from lake and displayed at St Moritz in 1970; sal 1973.)