B-17 Flying Fortress B-17 42-39782 / Pistol Packin’ Mama

B-17 #42-39782 / Pistol Packin’ Mamazoom_in



  • RCL: FO-M, LF-M

MACR: 2880 / KSU/ME/KU: 822


History of
B-17 42-39782 / Pistol Packin’ Mama

Delivered Long Beach 29/8/43; Scott 19/9/43; Assigned 527BS/379BG [FO-M] Kimbolton 21/10/43, then 526BS [LF-M]; Missing in Action Frankfurt 8/2/44 with Herb Rossberg, Bombardier: Jim Dougherty, Waist gunner: Alby Paplaskas (3 Killed in Action); Co-pilot: Matt Bauer, Ball turret gunner: Ed Dugan{Wounded in Action}, Waist gunner: Thurman Smotherman,Tail gunner: Fred Brown (4 Prisoner of War); Navigator: John Kupsick, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Chas Atkinson, Radio Operator: George Bennett (3 evaded capture); enemy aircraft, crashed Amy A/fd, four miles SW of Roye, Fr; Missing Air Crew Report 2880. PISTOL PACKIN’ MAMA.

Last updated: 24. July 2021


B-17 42-39782 / Pistol Packin’ Mama Details

Crew in the picture are:

Back Row, L to R:
Lt. Howard Francis (Pilot), Lt. Brown (Co-PIlot), Lt. Charles Wiseman (Bombardier), Lt. Herbert Meyers (Navigator), T/Sgt. Murray (Engineer)

Front Row, L to R:
S/Sgt. James Anderson (Tail Gunner), S/Sgt. Walters, S/Sgt. Davis (Ball Turret Gunner), T/Sgt. Eugene House (Waist Gunner), Sgt. Joe Martin (Radio Operator)

Thanks to Tim Palmer for this information. See comment below.


B-17 42-39782 / Pistol Packin’ Mama Crew

Position Rank Name Status Note
P 2LT Herbert D. Rossberg KIA
CP 2LT Matthew J. Bauer POW
BOMB 2LT James B. Dougherty KIA
ENG/TT S/SGT Charles E. Atkinson EVD
RO S/SGT George F. Bennett EVD
BT S/SGT Edward P. Dugan POW
WG S/SGT Albert F. Paplaskas KIA
WG SGT Thurman P. Smotherman POW
TG SGT Frederick H. Brown, Jr. POW

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