B-17F-35-BO: 42-5079 to 42-5149
- Bomb Group:
- 88th Bomb Group
- Bomb Squadron:
- 316th Bomb Squadron
History of
B-17 42-5092
Delivered Geiger 28/9/42; Assigned 316BS/88BG Redmond 23/12/42; Walla Walla 23/1/43; mechanical failure on take off with Allison Brooks 3/2/43, rep; Kearney 3/8/43; 232 BU Dalhart 9/6/43; 241 BU (504BG) Fairmont 13/6/43; 249 BU Alliance 30/10/43; 222 BU Ardmore 15/3/44; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Ontario 14/6/45.
Last updated: 30. June 2017
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