B-17F-50-BO: 42-5350 to 42-5484
- Bomb Group:
- 2nd Bomb Group
- Bomb Squadron:
- 20th Bomb Squadron
MACR: 1530
History of
B-17 42-5427
Delivered Cheyenne 6/12/42; West Palm Beach 28/12/42; Assigned 20BS/2BG 14/1/43; Missing in Action {62m} Innsbruck 19/12/43 with John Williams, Ball turret gunner: Howard Richardson (2 Killed in Action); Co-pilot: Gail Hoffman, Navigator: Milton Plattner, Bombardier: Carlton Mills, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Bill Shuping{his 50th mission prior to going home}, Radio Operator: Theo Young, Waist gunner: Ben Kizer, Waist gunner: Art Grammont,Tail gunner: Bob Kennedy (8 Prisoner of War); shot down by enemy aircraft, right wing set ablaze. Missing Air Crew Report 1530. SARAH.
Last updated: 25. August 2017
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