B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 42-5718

B-17 42-5718
Photo of B-17 #42-5718 / The Widow Maker

[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


Delivered 410BS/94BG Geiger 17/9/42 THE WIDOW MAKER; Wayne 2/11/42; Kearney 4/2/43; Sioux City 5/3/43; mechanical problem caused landing accident at Idaho Falls, ID with Walter Clarke 24/3/43; Hill 12/7/43; 452BG Pendleton 29/10/43; 244 BU Harvard 10/6/44; Patterson 30/8/44; West Palm Beach 12/3/45; Canal Zone 18/1/46; Panama 23/6/46; re-ass CAC06 (?) 30/4/47; Ftr Aff 27/7/48; Recl Comp.

Zurück zur B-17 42-5718 / The Widow Maker