B-17G-40-DL: 44-6001 to 44-6125
History of
B-17 44-6073
Delivered Tulsa 21/4/44; Roswell 29/4/44; 3030 BU Roswell 2/6/44; 3010 BU Williams 20/1/45; 3020 BU La Junta 30/4/45; 2114 BU Lockbourn 25/6/45; 2137 BU Hendricks 22/9/45; 4108 BU Newark 9/10/45; 2137 BU Hendricks 14/10/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Walnut Ridge 4/1/46.
Last updated: 8. April 2019
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