B-17G-95-DL: 44-83686 to 44-83885
History of
B-17 44-83767
Delivered Cheyenne 1/6/45; Slated Oahu 7AF, transferred Hunter 10/7/45; Long Beach 19/7/45; re-ass 30/4//47; 338 RV Momote 1/1/48; 5 RVP Gp Clark 1/4/48; 15 MSU Gp Clark 24/3/49; PAC Hickam 17/4/49; 5 RVP Gp Clark 22/4/49; RetUS, 9 SRC Gp Fairfield 2/6/49; AMC Hill 13/10/49; Recl Comp 19/5/50.
Last updated: 6. May 2019
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