B-17 Flying Fortress B-17 42-30032 / Sky Queen

B-17 #42-30032 / Sky Queenzoom_in



  • RCL: BK-D

MACR: 15165


History of
B-17 42-30032 / Sky Queen

Delivered Cheyenne 2/4/43; Sioux City 13/4/43; Kearney 4/5/43; Bangor 20/5/43; Assigned 532BS/381BG Ridgewell 6/6/43; transferred 546BS/384BG [BK-D] Grafton Underwood 9/6/43; Missing in Action Kassel 28/7/43 with Bill Dietzel, Co-pilot: Jacques Riddel, Navigator: Herb Funk, Bombardier: Clyde Davis, Ball turret gunner: Larry Dunmeyer, Waist gunner: Ed Amory, Waist gunner: Jack Mason,Tail gunner: Wyman Martin, obs-Lt Ken Dutton (9 Killed in Action); Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Howie Adams, Radio Operator: Salvatore Perrotti (2 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft Ko’d #3, crashed Kortwoude, near Opeinde, Hol. Missing Air Crew Report 15165. SKY QUEEN.

Last updated: 3. June 2024


B-17 42-30032 / Sky Queen Details

The Missing Air Crew Report number 15165 states the following:

This Aircraft 42-30032 was flying in the #4 position of the Lead Squadron and was last observed after vicious enemy fighter attack on this Group at 1054 hours, at 53°25’ N – 06°15’E, 20,000 feet with #3 engine on fire and losing altitude rapidly. Aircraft made a dive probably to extinguish fire and then leveled off at 18,000 feet on a heading of 330 degrees magnetic. Three chutes were observed.

T/Sgt. Salvatore J. Perotti stated the following information in the MACR 15165 about Lt. Dietel:

Enemy fighters 20 millimeter fire. Our plane blew up in mid air. Two of us bailed out safely. I was the right waist gunner. Believe Dietel met his death before ship blew up and he went down with it. 


B-17 42-30032 / Sky Queen Crew

Position Rank Name Status Note
P 1LT William Dietel, Jr. KIA
CP 2LT Jacques E. Riddel KIA
BOMB 1LT Clyde W. Davis KIA
ENG/TT T/SGT Howard J. Adams POW
RO T/SGT Salvatore J. Perrotti POW
BT S/SGT Lawrence E. Dunmeyer KIA
WG S/SGT Edward Amory KIA
WG S/SGT Jack L. Mason KIA
TG S/SGT Wyman D. Martin KIA
PASS 2LT Kenneth C. Dutton KIA

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