B-17 Flying Fortress B-17 42-30398 / Patches

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-30398 / Patches


MACR: 1111


History of
B-17 42-30398 / Patches

Delivered Cheyenne 27/6/43; Tinker 6/6/43; Memphis 8/6/43; Assigned 429BS/2BG 19/6/43; Missing in Action {37m} Genoa 29/10/43 with George Howell, Co-pilot: Edmund Gray, Bombardier: Bernie Lewis, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Paul Cossingham, Radio Operator: Bob Bryson, Waist gunner: Leland Dishong, Waist gunner: Byron Drury (7 Killed in Action); Navigator: John Cashore, Ball turret gunner: Francis Hughes{Wounded in Action},Tail gunner: Bob Thompson (3 Prisoner of War); flak hits caused ship to turn over on its back, exploded; five chutes seen 10,000ft below plane; Missing Air Crew Report 1111. PATCHES.

Last updated: 23. August 2017


B-17 42-30398 / Patches Details

B-17 #42-30398 ‘Patches’, piloted by 1st Lt George R. Howell, was hit by flak just after dropping its bombs. The plane caught fire and disintegrated in midair.

Statement of S/Sgt Francis H. Hughes, after liberation. “About 30 seconds after dropping our bombs, our plane was hit by two bursts of flak. One burst hit in the radio room and the other hit at the tail wheel. As soon as our plane was hit, the pilot told us to bail out. I was flying in the ball turret position. I was watching the bombs go to the target when we were hit. After getting out of the turret and getting on my chute, I saw the front of the plane was broken off at the radio room, and I bailed out through this opening”.

“I did a delayed jump of about eight or ten thousand feet…at that time, I also saw that the plane had broken off at the tail wheel, leaving only the waist of the plane floating”.

“I landed in the water of Genoa Harbor and was shot in the shoulder while in the water, was given first aid and then taken to a hospital. After around 10 days, in a private room, I was moved out and met Sgt Thompson who told me Lt Cashore had just left for prison camp.” During this time, I did not see, nor hear, of any of the rest of those not mentioned above.

Source: http://flgrube1.tripod.com/id230.html


B-17 42-30398 / Patches Crew

Position Rank Name Status Note
P 1LT George R. Howell KIA
CP 2LT Edmund E. Gray KIA
BOMB 2LT Berbard J. Lewis KIA
ENG/TT T/SGT Paul B. Cassingham KIA
RO T/SGT Robert H. Bryson KIA
BT S/SGT Francis X. Hughes POW
WG S/SGT Byron R. Drury KIA
WG S/SGT Leland L. Dishong KIA
TG S/SGT Robert L. Thompson POW

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