B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 42-31111

Delivered Dallas 20/9/43; Scott 4/10/43; Wilmington 7/10/43; Assigned 535BS/381BG [MS-R] Ridgewell 19/10/43; Missing in Action Leverkusen 1/12/43 with Don Noxon, Co-pilot: George Giovannini, Navigator: Edison Eichhorn, Bombardier: Walt Utley, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Pete Ludwigsen, Radio Operator: Toby Phillips, Ball turret gunner: John Thompson, Waist gunner: Harry Thompson, Waist gunner: Paul Mogush,Tail gunner: John Channell (10 Killed in Action); flak damage, believed to have come down in seas on return. Missing Air Crew Report 1659. FOUR ACES - PAT HAND.