B-17G-55-BO: 42-102544 to 42-102743
- Bomb Group:
- 483rd Bomb Group
- Bomb Squadron:
- 817th Bomb Squadron
MACR: 12145 & 14764
History of
B-17 42-102706
Delivered Cheyenne 26/3/44; Hunter 19/4/44; Morrison 3/5/44; Assigned 817BS/483BG Sterparone 5/5/44; Missing in Action Hall, Aus 16/2/45 with Max Solowitz, Lillish, Dye, Short, O’Dwyer, Pedersen, Heckler, Cox, Chenowith, (9 Killed in Action); hit by bomb from B-24, severing tail; crashed Innsbruck; 9KIA; Missing Air Crew Reports 12145 & 14764.
Last updated: 17. February 2022
B-17 42-102706 Details
We were coming in on the bomb run at Hall, Austria. We had bomb bay doors open, and at bombs away I was watching for flak and planes, when I happened to look towards six o’clock and saw ship No. 706 flying no. six (6) position hit by a bomb and explode in mid-air. I couldn’t see where the tail went, for at that time a Squadron of B-24’s came thru our formation, simultaneously as they passed above us.
The ship nosed over and went into a dive earthwards. I saw that it still had bomb bay doors open and the ship was following its first two or three bombs. It went into spin when I last saw it. At that time I was calling the pilot to tell him what had happened to No. 6 ship. I did not see any chutes come out of the plane. The only markings that I saw on the B-24’s was the top-part of the rudder was yellow.
S/Sgt. Tom J. Hanges
Tail Gunner
We were going over the target when a formation of B-24’s drifted in just over our second element. When our bombardier called bombs away the 24’s released their bombs at the same time and one of the bombs struck Ship No. 6 (706). The bomb struck the tail and blew it off from the rest of the ship. The ship went straight down. No chutes came out of the ship.
S/Sgt. Gordon L. Harrison
Tail Gunner
Ship No. 706 of the 817th Squadron was hit over the target, and burst into two pieces, tail and fuselage. The ship went into a spin and crashed north of the target. I watched the ship go down and crash, however, I did not see any chutes open.
Cpl. G. A. Tapia
Ball Turret Gunner
Source: MACR 12145
B-17 42-102706 Crew
Position | Rank | Name | Status | Note |
P | 1LT | Max Solowitz | KIA | - |
CP | 2LT | George C. Tillish | KIA | - |
NAV | F/O | John T. Dye III | KIA | - |
BOMB | 2LT | Jay E. Short | KIA | - |
ENG/TT | SGT | Roger J. O'Dwyer | KIA | - |
RO | SGT | Jonathan C. Heckler, Jr. | KIA | - |
BT | SGT | Walter F. Cox | KIA | - |
WG | SGT | Clyde R. Pedersen | KIA | - |
TG | S/SGT | Robert C. Chenoweth | KIA | - |
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