B-17G-20-DL: 42-37894 to 42-37988
- Bomb Group:
- 100th Bomb Group
- Bomb Squadron:
- 351st Bomb Squadron
MACR: 11744
Missions: 98
History of
B-17 42-37936 / The All American Girl aka Berlin Boys aka Hang the Expense III aka Our Mark
Delivered Denver 19/10/43; Gr Island 5/11/43; Presque Is 7/11/43; Assigned 351BS/100BG [EP-M] Thorpe Abbotts 11/11/43 OUR MARK; 98m Missing in Action Cologne 10/1/45 with John Dodrill, Co-pilot: Dave Williams, Navigator: Ralph Bayer, Bombardier: Dave Pitman, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Harry Mitchell, Radio Operator: George Bennett, Ball turret gunner: Myron Warner, Waist gunner: Garland Joseph,Tail gunner: Roy Toll (9 Killed in Action); flak, crashed Gladbach, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 11744. HANG THE EXPENSE aka THE ALL AMERICAN GIRL aka BERLIN BOYS..
Last updated: 24. January 2018
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