B-17G-5-VE: 42-39858 to 42-39957
- Bomb Group:
- 91st Bomb Group
- Bomb Squadron:
- 401st Bomb Squadron
MACR: 3667
Missions: 11
History of
B-17 42-39929 / Lackin Shankin
Delivered Long Beach 10/10/43; Gr Island 22/10/43; Assigned 401BS/91BG [LL-K] Bassingbourn 20/12/43; 11m Missing in Action Stettin 11/4/44 with Frank Ammann, Co-pilot: Frank Butler, Navigator: Harry Levin, Bombardier: Pat McNulty, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: John Lacorazza, Radio Operator: Frank Bynon, Ball turret gunner: Irvin Kennedy, Waist gunner: Howard Hornick,Tail gunner: Frank Martin, obs-Lt Phillip Heacox 361FG (10INT); flak damaged both outer engines, then was attacked by Me 210, force landed Vollsjo, near Ystad, Swed; (crew secretly released seven months later). Missing Air Crew Report 3667. LACKIN’ SHACKIN’.
Last updated: 27. April 2018
B-17 42-39929 / Lackin Shankin Details
“Lackin Shankin”, a B-17G-5-VE with the serial number 42-39929 was on a mission to Stettin on 11th April 1944. Engine no. 1 and no. 4 was damaged by flak. She flew on limping, because the engine no. 2 caused difficulties. The crew decided, that their only chance is neutral Sweden. Almost 20 km from the coast over an area, which they considered to Denmark, they were attacked by a German Me 210. The German aircraft missed the B-17 and fired in a Swedish artillery position. The Swedes shot back and hit the Me 210. “Lackin Shankin” orbited the shot Messerschmitt and headed towards east. When a Swedish warning shot hit the B-17, the crew bailed out with the parachute, except for the pilot Frank Ammon who lookout his B-17 for a place to land. He missed a flower field, made a belly landing finally on a picked field and broke through a stone wall. He got out dazedly, however, he was surprised, as him got clear, that he was nearby Ydstad (Sweden).
22. September 2024 access_time 17:19
You have the name wrong. It was the ‘Lackin Shackin’. My dad (Irvin F. Kennedy) was the ball turret gunner on that plane and we had a model of it in our house for my entire childhood. I remember (when I was about 4 or 5) asking my dad what Lackin shackin meant and he said that it meant that they were ready to fight.