B-17F-35-VE: 42-5905 to 42-5954
- Bomb Group:
- 388th Bomb Group
- Bomb Squadron:
- 563rd Bomb Squadron
MACR: 3121
History of
B-17 42-5942 / Sky Shy aka Wenatchee Special
Delivered Long Beach 26/5/43; Denver 4/6/43; Dow Fd 28/6/43; Assigned: 563BS/388BG Knettishall WENATCHEE SPECIAL 4/7/43; MIA Stuttgart 6/9/43 Pilot: Myron Bowen, Co-Pilot: Warren Woods, Navigator: Art Copeland, Bombardier: Ed Hasson, Ball Turret Gunner: Theo Czygier, Waist Gunner: Harry Richards, Waist Gunner: Albt Smith, Tail Gunner: Jim Frankenfield (8POW); Engineer / Top Turret Gunner: Dave Wiesner, Radio Operator: Joe Redmond (2KIA); flak, crashed Germany. any heading for Switzerland, MACR 3121. SKY SHY.
Last updated: 22. January 2020
B-17 42-5942 / Sky Shy aka Wenatchee Special Details
Through extensive research in archives and contemporary witnesses, local historian Peter Lindenthal has been able to reconstruct the exact course of events. According to this the B-17 #42-5942 was shot down by Major Thimmig. Whereby the technician and gunner S/Sgt. David Earl Wiesner was killed.
All crew members except the radio operator Sgt. Joseph Harrison Redmond and the killed S/Sgt. Sgt. Joseph Harrison Redmond probably had not heard the order to leave the B-17. This could be taken from the MACR 3121. He also had another parachute which only allowed him to jump from the side door on the fuselage. This door was however damaged by flak and could not be opened, so that he was probably forced to remain in the B-17 and to try an emergency landing.
During the emergency landing Sgt. Joseph Harrison Redmond injured himself so heavily that he died one day later.
B-17 42-5942 / Sky Shy aka Wenatchee Special Crew
Position | Rank | Name | Status | Note |
P | F/O | Byron Arthur Bowen | POW | - |
CP | 2LT | Warren Walter Woods | POW | - |
NAV | 2LT | Arthur Emmitt Copeland | POW | - |
BOMB | 2LT | Edward Wallace Hasson | POW | - |
ENG/TT | S/SGT | David Earl Wiesner | KIA | - |
RO | SGT | Joseph Harrison Redmond | KIA | - |
BT | S/SGT | Theodore James Czygier | POW | - |
WG | S/SGT | Albert Henry Smith | POW | - |
WG | S/SGT | Harold Edward Richards | POW | - |
TG | S/SGT | James Frankenfield | POW | - |
06. January 2020 access_time 11:43
Hi, ich bin Peter Lindenthal, Localhistorikerim Großraum Ulm. Ich bin der Autor dieser Berichte und habe noch viele Infos über die Wenatchee 42-5942. Unter anderem auch den deutschen Abschußbericht und noch mehr Bilder.Leider stimmt der Bericht von Dave Osborn nicht das die wenatchee durch Flagtreffer abgeschossen wurde. Dies beweißt mein Abschussbericht und Zeugen berichte. Ausserdem habe ich noch mit Zeitzeugen gesprochen die die Landung der Wenatchee beobachtet haben und ersthelfer waren.
mit freundlichem Gruß Peter Lindenthal
06. January 2020 access_time 11:50
Hallo Herr Lindenthal,
vielen Dank für die Informationen. Dass die Daten von Dave Osborne nicht immer stimmen, ist mir auch aufgefallen. Leider ist es mir bisher nicht möglich gewesen diese zu überprüfen. Auch auf Grund der Menge an Daten. Deswegen bin ich um so mehr dankbar für die Hilfe wie die von Ihnen.
Kann ich die korrekten Informationen von 42-5942 irgendwo lesen oder einsehen?
Viele Grüße
27. February 2020 access_time 20:02
My name is Arthur (Art) Copeland. My grandfather is Arthur E Copeland, he was the navigator on 42-5942. I would really like any additional information you may have on MACR 3121.
27. February 2020 access_time 20:17
Hello Arthur,
I sent you a copy of the MACR by email.
Please also check your junk/spam-folder. The subject of my email is: MACR B-17 #42-5942
07. June 2023 access_time 1:32
Hi Arthur, my name is Peter Lindenthal and the Local hystorik and archäologie from the Crash of the Wenatchee.
please send my a Mail.
11. December 2023 access_time 22:54
Hello Peter- my name is Jason Wallace. I am the Great nephew of Joseph H Redmond. Is it ok for you and I to email in regards to my Uncle? My family and I have questions we’re hoping you can answer. Thanks!
15. December 2023 access_time 17:56
Hallo Jason Wallace please contact me at : lindenthal-deggingen@hotmail.de
I hope to be able to answer your questions.
King regards
15. December 2023 access_time 18:06
Hallo Jason Wallace please contact me at : lindenthal-deggingen@hotmail.de
I hope to be able to answer your questions. This is a project of mine
King regards
07. April 2023 access_time 8:02
Hallo Peter,
kannst du mir bitte sagen wo das Flugzeug genau abgestürzt ist.
Bin selber Historiker und erforsche Flugzeugabstürze zwischen Ulm-WÜrzburg-Nürnberg-Ingolstadt.
07. June 2023 access_time 1:25
Hallo du kannst mich gerne unter : lindenthal-deggingen@hotmail.de kontaktieren.
mit freundlichem Gruß
28. August 2024 access_time 21:41
Hello my name is Ryan. the Radioman Joe Redmond would have been great uncle. My family and I would love to know more
04. March 2023 access_time 21:40
Lots of photos at Ebay.de https://www.ebay.de/itm/374543487109?hash=item5734881085:g:oaYAAOSw~~1kAd~M&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoIT4%2BR1D8ZeqpfHhF2nbrxKAlIxZs3CcHE7UM7eXexuMqnjoohfvi9jQN7Bqt28MnV78YCYk2f6QeRpa3QSGgafmhzWusoxtdCwvi57JPnyDWDEqO0gbFErKkQF9mAvWYn9Qa0cPZJD%2Bf%2BVeOxW8tbdqqK7IV%2B6y31SXtU8fwfNVCYW6h1vVXLCDBxrPwJLUSKmEgg7JIGL%2Ff8Rkocwvpmk%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR8zCwOXVYQ
20. March 2023 access_time 16:48
My grandfather was Harold E Richards. He was my mothers father. I do not alot about him. Does anyone have any stories they have heard or info they can email me? Much appreciated. -CHRIS
07. June 2023 access_time 1:26
Hi Chris .. send me a Mail for mor information :
10. August 2023 access_time 16:17
Vielen Dank für deine tolle Arbeit!
Liebe Grüße J. Wiesner