B-17G-15-VE: 42-97436 to 42-97535
- Bomb Group:
- 97th Bomb Group
- Bomb Squadron:
- 340th Bomb Squadron
MACR: 2392
History of
B-17 42-97444
Delivered Denver 18/11/43; Kearney 27/11/43; Assigned 340BS/97BG Cerignola 14/12/43; Amendola 16/1/44; Missing in Action Anzio 17/2/44 with Joe Csupak, Kirkpatrick, Stats, D’Abbracci, Pearce, Maddin, Robbins, Mazza, Taylor, Shanahan; flak, crashed Anzio; Missing Air Crew Report 2392.
Last updated: 1. July 2020
B-17 42-97444 Details
B17G #42-97444 took off from Amandola Air Field, Italy on a bombing mission over Anzio, Italy. They were hit by ground anti-aircraft fire. They were given the command to bail out, however only one parachute was seen by other planes in the area before B-17G #42-97444 exploded in mid-air.
Source: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/56311854
The wrackage were found by Philippe Castellano in 27 meters of deep and 3 km north-west of Anzio Habour. The wreck is a complete wing and bomb bay. No nose and tail fuselage, rest is missing.
Philippe Castellano (http://www.aero-relic.org/):
- The engine #1 and his wing part is breacking and missing by fisher net trailling action.
- The engine #2 have disapear but his main landing gear with his wheel and his turbosupercharger still present at their original place but depressed by destruction at the bottom of the wing. It seem that the ship was badly hit by Flak shells in his #2 and #3 engines section.
- The number 3 engine is the only one still in place but collapsed and is lying in horizontal position buried in the deep mud. Impossible of see if his big propeller is still under mug or not ? His turbosupercharger is destroyed and lie on the side. His landing gear is complete with his tire flat and torn with hole by Flak.
- The engine mount (no engine) of the # 4 engine is in better shappe with his turbosupercharger still in his original position. Only one oxygen cylinder (for the crew) is seeing in the wing.
- The bomb bay is complete and had lost his two doors. Inside still the attachs system in open position, no bombs’load.
Photos of the wreckage

Eyewitness Statements from MACR 2392
I the undersigned was flying on aircraft number 437, in the 342nd Bomb Squadron (H), AAF. I saw the aircraft in question go into a vertical climb, and at the peak I saw a parachute leave the aircraft open. Before this the Radio operator on my ship saw another chute, which I saw a bit later. And as the aircraft went into a dive I saw four (4) more chutes came out open. The aircraft dove straight down until it was quite near the water, then it seemed to level off and burst into flames, and exploded. After it exploded I saw a white dot on or near the water that regambled a parachute. I am not certain of this though, as it was quite a distance from me by then.
Sgt. George W. Adams
Tail Gunner
I the undersigned was flying in aircraft number 436, of the 414th Bomb Squadron (H), AAF. I saw the aircraft in question first flying in level flight, and one chute opened near the rear of the ship. The aircraft then went turning into a dive, and into a loop. Then the second chute opened. As the aircraft started down in a dive, two more chutes opened it looked as though from the waist gunners positions. The plane had started smoking from the start of the dive, and then two more chutes openedm and I saw the aircraft catch fire, directly after one more chute opened number 2, and number 4 engine fell off, and the aircraft went into three pieces. A few seconds later it hit the water in three parts. The last chute was by them drifting toward land, but came down in the water.
Sgt. Roy Morris
Tail Gunner
B-17 42-97444 Crew
Position | Rank | Name | Status | Note |
P | 2LT | Joseph Csupak | MIA | - |
CP | 2LT | Jack B. Kirkpatrick | KIA | - |
NAV | 2LT | Clyde Stats | MIA | - |
BOMB | F/O | Armond E. D'Abbracci | KIA | - |
ENG/TT | T/SGT | Homer A. Maddin | POW | - |
RO | S/SGT | Robert L. Robbins | KIA | - |
BT | SGT | John Mazza | MIA | - |
WG | SGT | James A. Shanahan | MIA | - |
WG | S/SGT | Wayne A. Pearce | MIA | - |
TG | SGT | Fred Taylor | MIA | - |
12. October 2019 access_time 9:08
Hello my friend
I have a special request. I would like just know if you have knowledge of another loss by the 97th bomb group on February 14’1944 over the target (Italy, Veronna rail road) other than the “Her Did” of the S/Lt Frank Chaplick (who ditched his ship just off the Calvi’coast, Corsika). I have information that the Gefr. Ressler of the 1 3./JG 77 is credited of an Flying Fortress that day (I think the one of Frank Chaplick and not another). If you can conirm that, it will be very fine. Have a good week-end, your friend Philippe
12. October 2019 access_time 11:15
Hello Philippe,
I am sorry, I could not found any other losses of the 97th BG on February 14th 1944. Frank Chaplick’s B-17 was the only reported loss that day.
09. January 2020 access_time 19:35
Thank you b17flyingfortress.de for your information, I had a really light doubt knowling that no other than the one of the S/Lt Franc G. Chaplick’ship was shot down as heavy bomber that 1944’Valentine day.
01. July 2020 access_time 14:27
I want to thank you for your information and photos. Until recently, you have provided the best information that I have ever received about the last day of my father’s life.Thank you very much. Sincerely, Dennis Pearce
04. October 2020 access_time 23:00
Hi Dennis you Can contact me I have a Gopro movie thzt I taken from your father ship under water. Philippe. France.
10. October 2020 access_time 23:28
First that I have heard of it. Once again let me thank you for the information you provide. Do you know if there were any other losses on that mission?
09. August 2021 access_time 17:25
Plane # 42-97444 was the only loss during that mission (morning of Feb. 17, 1944). Dennis: My uncle was a crew member on that plane, and certainly a friend of your father. Do you have any information (letters, pictures, etc.) that you could share with me ? Please let me know. Thanks !
Jeff Mazza
31. May 2021 access_time 18:55
Does anyone know what happened to the Ball Turrett – My third cousin was the man in that position – John Mazza. Any pictures of the plane and/or crash would be appreciated.
16. July 2021 access_time 22:00
John Mazza was my wife’s uncle. John was an artist and I was wondering if his bomber was given a name and did it have nose art. He never got out of the ball turret.
30. May 2022 access_time 17:15
Joseph Csupak was my Uncle
Is there a way to add the pictures I have?
31. May 2022 access_time 17:19
Hello Christine, thanks for your comment. Please sent me the picture to info@b17flyingfortress.de and I will add the picture.
14. June 2022 access_time 19:48
Christine – my uncle (John Mazza) was the ball turret gunner on that plane. If you have any pictures you would like to share, please send them to me at jeffrey.mazza@alcosan.org I can also send you the few that I have. Thanks !
01. March 2024 access_time 4:43
Just passed the 80 year anniversary of our loss. I want to thank all who have provided information on this thread since I first say it in October of 2020. I still hope to see some photos of the crew and aircraft.
12. April 2024 access_time 22:24
Dennis: I have a picture of my uncle (John Mazza – the ball turret gunner from your dad’s plane) in front of a B-17, along with the crew. However – I do not know if this is the actual crew that was on the plane on that fateful day. Send me an email address & I’ll send you the picture. Hopefully you will be able to recognize your dad if he is present in this photograph.
24. May 2024 access_time 17:08
Hey Jeff: John Mazza was a member of my extended family, specifically, he is the son of Domenick Mazza who was the brother of my great grand-father. John’s siblings were my mothers aunts and knew them well. Can you share any pictures of the plane or art for John’s Plane. Any information would be appreciated from my family. Thanks Pam
23. March 2023 access_time 12:37
I am an Anzio historian just making researches about the B17G n.42-97444 crushed into the sea on 17.02.44.
I would be interested to get any information, pictures regarding it and its crew especially of the F/O D’Abbracci Armand Bombardier.
my email is: aprilia1944@alice.it
Thanks a lot
arch. Diego Cancelli
23. March 2023 access_time 13:42
I am an Anzio historian just making researches about the B17G n.42-97444 crushed into the sea on 17.02.44.
I would be interested to get any information, pictures regarding it and its crew especially of the F/O D’Abbracci Armand Bombardier. A dear friend of mine
I am an Anzio historian making researches about the B17 G crushed in our sea.
my email is: aprilia1944@alice.it
Thanks a lot
arch. Diego Cancelli
23. March 2023 access_time 13:45
I am an Anzio historian just making researches about the B17G n.42-97444 crushed into the sea on 17.02.44.
I would be interested to get any information, pictures regarding it and its crew especially of the F/O D’Abbracci Armand Bombardier.
05. March 2024 access_time 20:55
Dear Mr. Catellano,
I would like to introduce myself:
My name is Agostino Alberti, I ama teacher keen on aviation history and a member of the group Air Crash éPo ( http://www.aircrashpo.com).
A few years ago, thanks to Dr. Roberto Arcese from Ceprano ( Frosinone) I have investigated the whole story of B-17 s/n 42-97444 as he is a relative of F/O D’Abbracci.
A nephew of the airman, Mr. Armand D’Abbracci Jr., is going to return to Ceprano-incredibly D’Abbracci was originary of that town and some weeks before his last and fatal mission. his unit was detailed to bomb Ceprano itself-and Dr. Roberto Arcese has asked me to try to contact you.
He would like to reach the area where the Flying Fortress’ wreckage has been located.
Looking forward for hearing from you, with deep respcet,