B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 42-97848

Delivered Denver 14/3/44; Kearney 8/4/44; Grenier 14/4/44; Assigned 326BS/92BG [JW-M] Podington 4/5/44; transferred 327BS [UX-M]; Missing in Action Altenburg, Ger 13/9/44 with Jack Peck, Co-pilot: Gil McMahon, Navigator: Edwin Yaksh, Bombardier: Bob Reynolds, Ball turret gunner: Bob Pemberton, Waist gunner: Dick Martin,Tail gunner: Jim Greene (7 Killed in Action); Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Bill Sanderson{Wounded in Action}, Radio Operator: Theo Franklin (2 Returned to Duty); enemy aircraft KO’d two engines, crashed near Schaffen Afd, near Diest, Bel; Missing Air Crew Report 10286. SILVER WINGS.