B-17 Flying Fortress B-17 42-97954 / Winnie Frank Joe

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-97954 / Winnie Frank Joe


  • RCL: LL-Z

MACR: 7272

Missions: 19


History of
B-17 42-97954 / Winnie Frank Joe

Delivered Denver 15/4/44; Cheyenne 1/5/44; Hunter 14/5/44; Dow Fd 22/5/44; Assigned 401BS/91BG [LL-Z] Bassingbourn 2/6/44; Missing in Action {19m} Liepzig 20/7/44 with Don Knapp, Co-pilot: Ray Jones, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Jim Veres, Waist gunner: Dick Stull,Tail gunner: Walt Lohman (5 Prisoner of War); Navigator: Manley Darsnek, Bombardier: Jim Donigan, Radio Operator: Chas North, Ball turret gunner: Francis Callahan (4 Killed in Action); enemy aircraft caused severe damage, crashed Eckersbach, near Zwickau, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 7272. WINNIE FRANK JOE.

Last updated: 25. May 2018


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