B-17 Flying Fortress B-17 42-31886 / Amazin Maizie

B-17 #42-31886 / Amazin Maiziezoom_in

Dorian Jaye


MACR: 11976


History of
B-17 42-31886 / Amazin Maizie

Delivered Denver 30/12/43; Des Moines 12/1/44; Charleston 17/1/44; Savannah 18/1/44; Homestead 1/2/44; slated 709BS/446BG; transferred 32BS/301BG Lucera 5/2/44; Missing in Action Blechhammer 7/8/44 with Gerald Bauer, Co-pilot: Schuler, Navigator: Schumaker, Bombardier: McNally, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Kuzara, Radio Operator: Hudson, Ball turret gunner: Trouts, Waist gunner: Pease, Waist gunner: Drogt,Tail gunner: Rouswell (10 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft & flak, crashed Aus; Missing Air Crew Report 11976. AMAZING MAZIE.

Last updated: 11. June 2022


B-17 42-31886 / Amazin Maizie Details

Eyewitness Statements from MACR 11976

Airplane #42-31886 was leading your three ship element. Approximately 3 miles before the target, he feathered #4 engine. Immediately after the run on the target, he feathered #3 engine. He could not maintain altitude, going from 23000 feet over the target to 14500 feet five miles west of Bratislava. During this time, #3 was unfeathered for about two minutes, then feathered again. I communicated by radion and he sait it was no good. He threw out all loose equipment. We left him five miles west of Bratislava at 14500′, flying an airspeed of 115 and losing 300′ per minute. When last seen he was at 48 degrees 10’N 17 degrees 00’E on a 195 degre heading. There was a good chance of a forced landing, also a possibility of ditching. There is a good chance of survival as there was no other damage to the ship visually. No one bailed out of the plane while it was still in sight.

2Lt. Archie D. Staley

I was flying ship 906 on ship 886’s right wing. Just before the target, 886 began to lose altitude and drop back from the formation. 886 dropped his bombs before the target and turned home. I attached myself to the tail and of the second wave and the dropped bombs on them. After the target, 886 and 357 cut inside our rally and joined the tail end also. 886 was still going down now with #3 and #4 engines feathered. I stayed with the formation and left 886 and 357 just north of Bratislava. There is a chance of a force landing and possibly a ditching and a fair chance of survival for the crew. No parachutes were seen and it is my belief that all crew members were aboard at time last sighted. When last sighted plane was about 15500′ still coming toward home.

2Lt. Leo F. Villarubia


B-17 42-31886 / Amazin Maizie Crew

Position Rank Name Status Note
P 1LT Gerald Bauer POW
CP 2LT William C. Schuler POW
BOMB 2LT James B. McNally POW
ENG/TT S/SGT Michael C. Kuzara POW
RO T/SGT Richard D. Hudson POW
BT SGT James W. Trouts POW
WG S/SGT Roy R. Pease POW
WG SGT Walter Drogt POW
TG CPL Simon B. Roudwell POW

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