B-17 Flying Fortress B-17 43-38921

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 43-38921


MACR: 11225


History of
B-17 43-38921

Delivered Lincoln 11/10/44; Grenier 22/10/44; Assigned: as SH ship 729BS/452BG Deopham Green 24/10/44; MIA Bad Krueznach, Germany. 2/1/45 Pilot: Capt Ralph Jones, Ross Cullen, Ray Childers, Joe Manganello, John Mann, Lt Francis Cusick {mickey op}, John Gabel, Lt Ed Hood {tg} (8KIA); John Everhart (POW); flak, crashed Bitburg, Ger. MACR 11225.

Last updated: 2. January 2021


B-17 43-38921 Details

About a minute before bombs away, A/C 921 received a direct hit between #1 and #2 engine, bending back the outer wing panel which hit the rudder sending the A/C into a flat spin. In the spin, on the way down, the plane broke apart. One crew reported seeing chutes all the other crews reported no chutes seen.


B-17 43-38921 Crew

Position Rank Name Status Note
P CPT Ralph R. Jones KIA
CP 2LT John E. Everhart POW
BOMB 1LT Raymond E. Childers KIA
ENG/TT T/SGT Joseph H. Manganello KIA
RO T/SGT John A. Mann KIA
WG S/SGT John J. Gabel KIA
TG 1LT Edward R. Hood KIA CA (730th)
RCM 2LT Francis M. Cusick KIA

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