B-17G-110-BO: 43-39274 to 43-39508
History of
B-17 43-39410
Delivered Hunter 7/3/45; Grenier 19/3/45; Assigned 8AF 20/3/45; Returned to the USA 1 BU Bolling 28/8/45; with Cliff Brokaw to 716 BU Grenier 14/1/46; 90 BU Ft Totten 17/3/46; 4121 BU Kelly 29/8/46; 90 BU Mitchell 15/9/46; re-ass 10 HBS Oberpfaffenhofen 30/4/47; RetUS, 2621 BU Barksdale 9/7/47; 4117 BU Robins 4/3/48; Recl Comp 4/11/48.
Last updated: 8. April 2019
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