B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 44-8532

B-17 44-8532
Photo of B-17 #44-8532 / Kleen Sweep aka Little Sweetheart



Delivered Lincoln 9/10/44; Grenier 23/10/44; Assigned 482BG H2X Alconbury 25/10/44; transferred 349BS/100BG [XR-G] Thorpe Abbotts 27/10/44 (npo) KLEEN SWEEP; damaged when parked and hit in taxi accident at 40ADG Stansted by 43-39042; 482BG Alconbury 20/5/45; Returned to the USA Bradley 4/6/45; Sth Plains 8/6/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Walnut Ridge 26/11/44; LITTLE SWEETHEART.

Zurück zur B-17 44-8532 / Kleen Sweep aka Little Sweetheart