B-17G-75-VE: 44-8601 to 44-8700
- Bomb Group:
- 25th Bomb Group
- Bomb Squadron:
- 652nd Bomb Squadron
MACR: 13856
History of
B-17 44-8601
Delivered Lincoln 20/10/44; Dow Fd 26/11/44; Grenier 5/12/44; Assigned 652BS/25BG Watton 12/12/44; Missing in Action Atlantic weather mission 17/3/45 with Calman T. Estrach; 8 KIA; Missing Air Crew Report 13856.
Last updated: 17. October 2021
B-17 44-8601 Details
Aircraft B-17G Serial # 44-8601 was airborne at 2211 hours, 16 March 1945, on a authorized weather reconnaissance mission, ETA at base was 1016 hours 17 March 1945. At 1105 hours, 17 March 1945, aircraft was one (1) hour overdue. I started a check to find out if aircraft had crossed coast on return and was informed by base flying control that it had not. Upon further investigation into this matter I was told that the last radio contact vas made by St. Eval at 0010 hours, 17 March 1945, he had then asked for QFF. At 0031 an observer, at St. Eval, had seen a fire approximately six miles off the coast, This was in the vicinity of the track for the mission. 19th Group began & search at 0055 hours, 17 March 1945, and surface vessels reported that it was a petrol fire. Later parts of an aircraft were found and identified as that of a B-17. Among this wreckage was a flying jacket with papers and letters belonging to Anthony D. Pellegrini, 2nd Lt., the navigator of missing aircraft, #44-8601. Position of wreckage was found at 50 25N – 05 15W. Search wee abandoned at 1700 hours 17 March 1945, by 19th Group. Officer In charge of search was Fit/It. Evershed, H.K., serial number, 86012, R.A.F.
Source: 13856
B-17 44-8601 Crew
Position | Rank | Name | Status | Note |
P | 2LT | Calman T. Estrach | KIA | - |
CP | 2LT | Robert H. Clark | KIA | - |
NAV | 2LT | Anthony D. Pellegrini | KIA | - |
ENG/TT | S/SGT | Robert C. Allison | KIA | - |
RO | SGT | Arthur G. Eickhoff | KIA | - |
WG | SGT | James G. Chressanthis | KIA | - |
WG | SGT | John C. Gerlott | KIA | - |
OBS | 1LT | Charles L. Sortomme | KIA | - |
22. January 2023 access_time 21:52
Thank you for this wonderful site. I am looking for more information on B-17G 44-8601. My namesake James G. Chressanthis was KIA on this plane off the Cornwall coast. Anything would be helpful, name of there plane, mission record, etc. Thank you!