44-85841 / The Last B-17
Delivered Dallas 4/8/45; Sth Plains 1/9/45; 555 BU Love Fd 30/10/45; Recl Comp 13/2/46. (THE LAST B-17).
Delivered Dallas 4/8/45; Sth Plains 1/9/45; 555 BU Love Fd 30/10/45; Recl Comp 13/2/46. (THE LAST B-17).
Prototype of the future B-17, crashed on take-off, due to locked control surfaces; 30/10/1935; Killing US Air Force Pilot Major Ployer Hill and Boeing’s chief test pilot Leslie Turner.
Delivered Dallas 27/7/45; Sth Plains for storage before sent to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md 2/46, tested to destruction 6/3/46.
Delivered Dallas 25/7/45; Sth Plains 9/45; Rome 25/2/46; NAAF Mustin Fd 4/46 [82857]; United States Coast Guard San Diego 19/11/46; Elizabeth City 3/1//47; NAS Weeksville, NC 27/8/48; NAAF Mustin Fd, then NAS Norfolk and scrapped 1/50, for spares.
Delivered Dallas 25/7/45; Sth Plains 6/9/45; Rome 26/2/46; NAAF Mustin Fd 4/46 [82855]; United States Coast Guard Elizabeth City 14/8/46; San Francisco 10/49; NAS Norfolk 11/52; United States Coast Guard New York 3/54; Elizabeth City 8/55; NAS Norfolk 1/4/57, scrapped.
Delivered – . Air Sea Rescue
Delivered Cheyenne 13/4/45; Hunter 3/5/45; ATC San Francisco 19/5/45; Assigned 5AF, 2 ER Kadena 18/1/48; 2 RCU Sq Kadena 31/7/49; 6332 AB Kadena 18/4/50; 2 RCU Sq Clark 24/5/50; 6332 AB Kadena 22/6/50; Recl Comp 12/10/50.
Delivered Cheyenne 12/4/45; Hunter 14/5/45; ATC San Francisco 31/5/45; converted to B-17H and Assigned 5AF, 4 ER Guam 18/1/48; 13 ARE Jama 8/7/49; Recl Comp 29/7/49. ONE MORE TIME.
Delivered Cheyenne 12/4/45; Assigned 2RES Clarke Fd, Phil.; mechanical malfunction with Henry Parker caused taxi accident on base 29/7/50.
Delivered Cheyenne 12/4/45; Hunter 7/5/45; ATC San Francisco 30/5/45; Assigned 5AF, 31 Ph Rec Momote 18/1/48; 31 Ph Rec Clark 11/1/48; 6 SR Clark 4/2/48; 5 RVP Clark 1/4/48; 358 SR Clark 6/4/48; 567 MAT Clark 24/6/48; 18 MSU Clark 16/2/49; Returned to the USA 9 SRC Fairfield 2/6/49; Recl Comp 24/1/50.
Delivered Cheyenne 12/4/45; Hunter 10/5/45; ATC Long Beach 21/5/45; Assigned 5AF, Biak Is 30/5/45; Salvaged Manila 23/7/46.
Delivered Cheyenne 12/4/45; Hunter 4/5/45; ATC Long Beach 31/5/45; Assigned 5AF; Salvaged Tacloban 2/8/46.
Delivered Cheyenne 12/4/45; Hunter 10/5/45; ATC San Francisco 27/5/45; Assigned 5AF, Manila 14/11/46; Recl Comp 29/4/48.
Delivered Cheyenne 12/4/45; Hunter 16/5/45; ATC San Francisco 31/5/45; Assigned 5AF 30/4/47; Recl Comp 29/4/48.
Delivered Cheyenne 12/4/45; Hunter 15/5/45; ATC San Francisco 31/5/45; Assigned 5AF 1/2/47; Recl Comp 15/1/48.
Delivered – . Became QB-17L radio controlled Drone target aircraft for missiles, live ammunition etc. The last was shot down in 1960.
Delivered Cheyenne 11/4/45; Hunter 3/5/45; ATC San Francisco 20/5/45; Assigned 5AF, Brisbane 30/4/47; 4 RES Guam 18/1/48; 2 RCU Sq Anderson 14/4/50; Recl Comp 12/10/50.
Delivered Cheyenne 11/4/45; Hunter 8/5/45; ATC Long Beach 21/5/45; Assigned 5AF, Biok Is 30/4/47; 23 Ph Rec Momote 18/1/48; 5 RVP Clark Fd 18/4/45; 18 MSU Clark 1/4/49; Returned to the USA 9 SRC Gp Fairfield 2/6/49; Hill 9/12/49; Recl Comp 19/5/50.
Delivered Cheyenne 12/4/45; Hunter 8/5/45; ATC San Francisco 20/5/45; Salvaged Manila 19/9/45.
Delivered Cheyenne 12/4/44; Hunter 7/5/45; ATC San Francisco 12/6/46; Assigned 5AF, Oahu 30/4/47; 23 Ph Rec Momote 18/1/48; 23 Ph Rec Clark Fd 11/1/48; 5 RVP Clark 1/4/48; Returned to the USA 9 SAC Gp Fairfield 26/4/49; 56 MSU Selfridge 31/7/49.
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