44-6092 / Dixie’s Delight
Delivered Tulsa 29/4/44; Hunter 5/5/44; Grenier 19/5/44; Assigned 350BS/100BG [LN-F] Thorpe Abbotts 22/5/44; 418BS [LD-F]; Missing in Action Berlin 3/2/45 with Waldo Oldham, Co-pilot: Carl Dunn, Navigator: Ross Purdy, Bombardier: Howard Leach, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Pat Tooley, Radio Operator: Bill Charlton, Ball turret gunner: Dick Chapple, Waist gunner: Tom Ramsey,Tail gunner: Ralph Kalberloh (9 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft hit #3, crashed Eichholz, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 12044. DIXIE’S DELIGHT.