An unknown B-17F crashed at Illerrieden (Ulm) on 29 April 1944, without crew members. over 500 km away from that day’s target Berlin, Germany.

B-17F at Illerrieden (Ulm) on 29 April 1944 Details
On April 29, 1944, a previously unknown B-17F crashed near Illerrieden (Ulm). According to the KU-1728 report, no crew was found and presumably one fatality. The B-17 was completely destroyed in the crash.
The target of the day for the 8th Air Force on Berlin, which is after all about 530km away from Illerrieden (Ulm).
For me there are a few inconsistencies, which I would like to list here.
If the B-17F was “completely destroyed” according to KU-1728, how did one recognize that it was a B-17F? Of course, F-versions were still in service in spring 1944, nevertheless the G-versions with the chin turret were already increasingly used.
On this 29.04.1944, only two B-17F were lost:
Crash sites of the two B-17s are known and therefore do not come into question.
Further information and documents
In the archives I found a document with chronological sequence of crashed airplanes of the US Air Force for the 29.04.1944. In it also the unknown B-17F near Illerrieden (Ulm) is mentioned.

For the timing of the mission, I found the flight route of the 351st Bomb Group with time data – certainly English time.

Comparing the times from both documents, Berlin was attacked between 12:12 PM – 12:42 PM German time. And then at 13:30 the unknown B-17 is said to have crashed near Illerrieden (Ulm).
According to this, the B-17 flew over 500km in one hour. I think this is extremely improbable.
It remains exciting to find out which B-17 it was. Maybe it was not a B-17 at all?
Published: 5. October 2021 / Last updated: 5. October 2021
09. January 2022 access_time 4:10
Dear sir I could perhaps help you if you give me the exact coordinates of the proposed crash site near illerieden since I reside a mear 30 miles from there.
I’m a hobby historian and very intrested in second world war aviation.
I am currently investigating the crash of a B-17 in Eichbühl betweeen Memmingen and Biberach which I happen too have a rubber fuel tank seal.
Could you tell me where I can obtain information about the specific B 17 that crashed there?
Greeting Mr Brown
18. January 2022 access_time 20:17
Hello Mr. Brown, the exact crash site is unknown to me. But it is around this area: 48.29399, 10.0437 (,+10.0437?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4o_zlgbz1AhWmRPEDHUCaAYwQ8gF6BAgCEAE)
19. January 2022 access_time 1:24
I have located the crash site prett exactlly the problem is that a golf course was built there but as far as the information I have obtained goes is that the plane hit the tree line of the forest and than fell apart with a loud explosion.
24. October 2024 access_time 20:18
Guten Abend
Es ist zwar schon paar Tage her, aber kennen sie mittlerweile die genaue absturzstelle bzw wo sie in den Bäumen hängen geblieben ist?
Ich bin ab und zu mit meiner sonde unterwegs und wir könnten mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit das Rätsel lösen. Wrackteile werden noch genug dort um den Golfplatz zu finden sein.
mfg Andy
16. January 2022 access_time 22:03
I am very close too solving the mystery I have confirmation that is was a b-17 now the question remains which exact plane it was? The crew chuted from the plane near Magdeburg and the plane flew by auto pilot form there on until it crashed near Illerieden.
18. January 2022 access_time 20:19
Magdeburg is over 500 km away from Illerieden. Comparing the times from both documents, Berlin was attacked between 12:12 PM – 12:42 PM German time. And then at 13:30 the unknown B-17 is said to have crashed near Illerrieden (Ulm).
According to this, the B-17 flew over 500km in one hour. I think this is extremely improbable.
19. January 2022 access_time 1:43
Yes that’s highly unlikley that the B-17 flew 500 km in 45 min but possible though. I have noticed that the track chart you have uploaded is that of the 385th bomb group .
My thesis after my extensive research so far is that it might quite likley could have been a b-17 from another bomb group but of course could be one of the 385 th just as well . I have also checked the 385 th official bomb group mission list which weirdly reads that the target was Magdeburg.I’ve also gone through every single b-17 loss report for the 29th of april and can not single out any specific aircraft it seems perhaps we could work closer together too solve this mystery.If you send me a email I can send the documents I have.
19. January 2022 access_time 20:49
Yes, I also checked all B-17 losses, but no useful result for this mystery ship. You can sent me your documents to:
I hope, we can solving this one 🙂
13. February 2023 access_time 1:52
Is it possible this B-17 was one of the ones was used in a previous raid and had to land (or crash landed in Germany, that the Germans repaired and used used to infiltrate later 8th AF missions, providing heading, speed, and altitude to Flak batteries in the target area and along the flight path?
09. June 2024 access_time 8:09
No. Such thing didn’t happen.
27. December 2023 access_time 3:00
42-31498 Passionate Witch II:
Delivered Cheyenne 12/11/43; Kearney 1/12/43; Wilmington 9/12/43; Presque Is 12/12/43; Assigned 331BS/94BG [QE-X] Rougham 16/12/43; Missing in Action Berlin 29/4/44 with Ken Chism, Co-pilot: Dominic Guadiomonte, Navigator: Alf Weinberg, Bombardier: Marion Gordy, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Stan Janisek, Radio Operator: Vernon Sovia, Ball turret gunner: Jack Parker, Waist gunner: Dennis Nicklin,Tail gunner: Oscar Gibson (9 Prisoner of War); Waist gunner: Gene Powell (KIA-chute failed), flak damage caused crew to bale out Herzberg, but ship flew on for another 100 miles, crashed Hassenberg, nine miles E of Coburg, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 4467. PASSIONATE WITCH II.
10. June 2024 access_time 8:33
Interesting aircraft, Tom.
Hassenberg is still a few hundred kilometers away from Ulm.
19. July 2024 access_time 17:54
Geachte heer,
Ik ben zeer geïnteresseerd in de luchtvaart van de Tweede Wereldoorlog.
Ik ben momenteel bezig met het onderzoeken van de crash van een B-17 in Tervuren ten zuiden van Brussel tussen september 1944 en december 1944. Het vliegtuig crashte zonder de bemanning aan de rand van het Zonienwoud. Heel wat kleine onderdelen werden terug gevonden, maar geen enkele met aanwijsbare gegevens om het toestel te identificeren!
Kunt u mij vertellen waar ik informatie kan krijgen over de specifieke B 17 die daar is neergestort?
Hubert DE GROOT Tervuren Belgium