A new B-17 arrived the 91st Bomb Group. Nose art repainted.

B-17F of the 91st Bomb Group – Nose Art repainted Details
This picture shows a B-17F at the 91st Bomb Group. It is noticeable that the nose art has been painted over. This indicates that this B-17F already had a name and only recently reached the 91st Bomb Group. Note the Astro Compass Bubble on top of the nose.
The original image description says the following:
Mechanics of the 322nd Bomb Squadron, 9lst Bomb Group, overhaul a Boeing B-17 „Flying Fortress“ at a base in Bassingbourne, England. 2 October 1943.
Published: 9. July 2021 / Last updated: 24. July 2021
19. December 2021 access_time 20:45
I would like to suggest that this B-17 is Miami Clipper.
She was originally assigned to the 306th Bomb Group with the name Jackie Ellen. http://www.americanairmuseum.com/media/45701
She was assigned the 91st Bomb Group 322nd Bomb Squadron on 11 September 1943, which would roughly line up with her being worked on in the hangar on 2nd October. http://www.americanairmuseum.com/aircraft/3750
The patch of wet paint in the hangar photo is in roughly the right spot to cover the Jackie Ellen and bomb markings. She also had a silver flak patch above the cheek windows that isn’t visible on Miami Clipper so must have been painted over. The undercarriage wheels are also the same.
24. December 2021 access_time 10:54
Hello Ross,
thank you for the suggestion.
Absolute a canditate for this unknown B-17.
I have found an other B-17. #42-29656 was in 303rd BG and transferred to 91st BG. I have two dates here.
– 05 July 1943 based on Osbornes Masterlog
– September 1943 based on comment by “Gmasher”: https://www.facebook.com/b17flyingfortress.de/photos/pcb.3330850660475382/3330850117142103/
24. December 2021 access_time 12:02
If the July date is correct it would most likely have had the new nose art by the time the photo was taken in the hangar in October. July is the only date I can find.
24. December 2021 access_time 13:11
I looked through the mission reports of the 303rd bomb group and the last time The Terrible Ten is listed was mission 44 on the 25th June 1943. http://www.303rdbg.com/missions.html July seems correct for when it was transferred.
28. December 2021 access_time 19:13
Ok, I agree.
24. December 2021 access_time 15:38
This quote from Martin Bowman describes The Terrible Ten’s transfer to the 91st Bomb Group. After it’s last mission with the 303rd on 25th June it was flown to Langford Lodge for repair, then assigned to the 91st on 5th July.
25. December 2021 access_time 6:48
The Daily Records of the 322nd Squadron show that the first mission of 42-29656 was 23rd September 1943, which seems a very long gap if it had transferred in July. Maybe there is a mistake or gap in its record.
The first mission of 42-29815 Terrible Ten/Miami Clipper was 26th September 1943, 15 days after it transferred. It then had a long gap in missions between 28th September and 30th October 1943. Theoretically it could have been having maintenance during this time.
28. December 2021 access_time 19:15
#42-29815 could be damaged after a mission. during repair, it was renamed. Just a theory.
28. December 2021 access_time 19:43
I think the same.